The Holidays and Rejecting the Diet Mentality


The holidays can be a stressful time of year, especially if you're stuck in a cycle of dieting. Most family get-togethers revolve around food and meals. Many articles you'll see on social media focus on how you can survive the holiday's and all the food "temptations." Since our society as a whole is still participating in diet culture, it would make sense that most of the "tips" out there include a rule book on how to attend a holiday party and still stick to your diet. 

But what if we started to do things differently this year? What if we didn't worry about the food at the party? What if we didn't have to bring our own raw veggies to snack on just in case there's nothing "healthy" there? What if we could just enjoy the season for what it is? What if food was the last thing that caused us any anxiety this year? What would that be like?

The first step could be to reject the diet mentality. We need to make the decision to be done with the diets. Restrictive eating, rules and rigidity=a diet. Think about how things have worked out for you in the past when dieting. Maybe the first one went well, then it was a struggle from there on out. Get rid of the idea that life will be so much better if you stick to "the plan" over the holiday's this year. Wouldn't life actually be better if you spend quality time with loved ones, practice gratitude for all that you have, and give to those who have less? None of those things involve sticking to a diet.

Please reach out to me if you'd like additional guidance and to find out what the next steps could look like for you!


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