You Don't Need A New Body For Spring Break


You don't need to change your body for spring break.

A spring break body is a body that you take with you on spring break. That's all.

We really can't control the size of our bodies. Especially not in the long term. And we can cause a lot of harm trying to do so.

When we go on a vacation, the whole point is to relax and get a break from our usual routine and commitments. How can we do that if we're obsessed with changing our body size? We won't be able to enjoy ourselves or be present with our friends or family. Going to the beach and putting on a bathing suit can feel scary. Diet culture tells us that only certain bodies are acceptable in bathing suits. People make hurtful comments and those stick with us. Our culture makes it really, really tough to accept our bodies.

But in case you've never heard it before, you are acceptable just as you are. You don't need a new "spring break body" to wear a bathing suit. You have permission to enjoy yourself and your vacation without worrying about what your body looks like. Having a smaller body is not a requirement for a fun vacation.

All bodies are good bodies

It takes intentional work to get to a place where we believe this about ourselves and others. But it's totally possible. Think about how wonderful it would be for our children and their children to grow up knowing they don't need to change their body to be accepted and beautiful. We first need to work on our own hearts and address our own weight biases. All of us have a purpose and something to contribute to society, regardless of what our bodies look like. If we're spending less time thinking about our own bodies, we can focus more on serving other people which would be an amazing thing.

Plus, if we're not focusing all of our energy on making our body smaller before our trip, we'll have a lot more free time!

Below are a few things you should do with your extra time to prepare for spring break:

  • Purchase sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage

  • Plan some fun activities that you're going to do while there

  • Pack clothes that fit and you feel comfortable in

  • Get good sleep so you're rested for a long drive or flight

  • Feed yourself regularly so you have adequate energy to enjoy the activities you have planned

If you'd like more help learning how to accept your body, I'd love to work together! Reach out to me on the contact page or schedule a discovery call to learn about your options.


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